Get ready to explore and have fun!

We are your 2 Pilates chicks, Hilary Opheim and Davita Paul. We love teaching Pilates, we love exploring and diving deeper into our work. We are all about positive feedback and support for Pilates teachers and those who come to us for Pilates. Our Pilates podcast, 2 Pilates Chicks is about not only teaching Pilates but life outside the Pilates studio. We love hiking, biking, paddle boarding and of course our pups and cookies! We promise a fun, eye-opening experience for each podcast!

Our Pilates podcast can be found on Apple Podcast and Spotify Podcast. It is for Pilates teachers and Pilates practitioners. Each episode we not only take a look at Pilates, life in the Pilates studio, and the life of teaching Pilates but, also at how can you apply to your life some of the amazing aspects we learn from our Pilates teaching and Pilates clients. Even if you have never done Pilates before you will find something to take into your life to create a more positive outlook and we promise to make you smile and laugh each episode. There will be puppies and cookies chatted on as well.

We will discuss things like being a Pilates teacher, teaching skills, how to keep your positive thoughts while working out, what moving and Pilates can do for you, and many many more chats as we continue each episode. So subscribe now and join us bi-monthly for our Pilates podcast.


What we do in LA when not doing our podcast:

When not working on our 2 Pilates Chicks Podcast we both teach Pilates in the Brentwood/Santa Monica area of Los Angeles, California. Hilary also runs her Teacher Training/Mentorship Program. Davita is the Director of the Pilates Program at the Brentwood Country Club.

Want to come see us online or in LA?

A little sneak peek for you each podcast episode:

Want to get a feel for our Pilates podcast each episode? Check out our fun “advertising” shorts of sneak peeks for you! Find out our favorite quote of moment of that podcast episode. You can then check out that website directly from there!

Podcast Peeks

Podcast Blogs

Every episode deserves a blog! We love getting each podcast “in the can” and sitting down to write the big takeaway and summary of what we discovered in the chat and discussion. This is where you can get into the weeds a bit more for each topic!

Podcast Blogs


Our Practice

We believe that Pilates is about the individual. That a positive and supportive environment in all movement is what feeds the person and the body!


There is no right or wrong. It is what works for you! Each individual thinks, moves and reacts in their own way. So why not guide that in a positive way?

— Hilary and Davita